Cultivating Wisdom with Andy Wallace
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
750 SE 8th Ave
Hillsboro OR
Who can attend
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Cultivating Wisdom with Andy Wallace, Tues, Feb 11, 10:00 – 11:30 am, Hillsboro Senior Community Center, 750 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro. Do people become wiser as they age? What is wisdom anyway, and how can we know if we ourselves are wise? Does being wise make us happier and more satisfied with our lives? How can we develop wisdom? Join Andy Wallace, Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist with Washington County Behavioral Health, to explore these questions on the topic of wisdom. To register click here or call 503-681-6120 to set up an account. =active&e4e=snan300000000&e4rt=Safetynet&e4h=e4e65b9b43511b6148c46c106fdd3fa7